Judged OUTSTANDING for Early Years, Personal Development and Behaviour and Attitudes (Ofsted May 2024), ......'In the Reception class, children receive an excellent start to their education.'.....'Children are exceptionally well prepared for learning in Year 1.'.....'Pupils develop as mature individuals due to the exemplary provision that they receive to support their personal development.'.....'Pupils’ behaviour during lessons and around school is exemplary.'.....'Pupils are proud of their school mission statement. They aspire ‘not to have more but to be more’ in all that they do. Pupils are happy in school.'.....

St Paul's Catholic Primary School

A Voluntary Academy

Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero

Friday 3rd July

Good morning everyone. Friday has come around very quickly again; though its been a wetter week than we have been used to. The Year 1 children in school have been working very hard in class and I know from the work I have seen from our key worker children and those of you working from home that we are all doing our best in what have been a very unusual few months!So well done to you all. smileyyes


All of our learning is on this page today and consists of;


  • Our writing task - writing our letters to Emily... she will write back to you!heart
  • My Maths will be set as our maths for today - next week we are going to trial a slightly different maths presentation that we have been looking at so look forward to new look Maths lesson on Monday; you can tell us what think next week!surprise
  • Our Religion work is an invitation to enter a 'Spirited Art' competition. You are such imaginative and creative children that, as Rosie would say, 'You can do this!'laugh


Our Writing Task


The powerpoint below is a reminder about what 'informal' letters look like. These are letters to someone familiar. 

I will now explain your task...


Still image for this video

A scaffold you may like to use to write your letter

Whale themed letter writing frames you may like to use; the first with wider lines the second with narrower lines

Our Maths learning 


Please see your 'My Maths' page...

Our Religion Learning


Is today the opportunity to enter a 'Spirited Arts' competition. The man who introduces it is very inspirational and will explain the task below. I would suggest that you watch the introduction for the first couple of minutes but I then suggest that we go to the time  33 minutes in             and we will have a go at the 'Where Is God' theme. Have a look at the ideas and then think about where you see God as being. Maybe over the past few weeks it has been in the bright rainbows representing how we are all working together, maybe in the doctors and nurses working very hard to keep everyone safe. Lat (the man in the video) will explain and give you some ideas. I have added on a few more too. 

SPIRITED ARTS A competition for creative RE for every pupil

Spirited Arts competition - Find out how NATRE's Spirited Arts competition can be used to invigorate creative RE in you classr...

You might like to plan your work today or make a start on the art side. You can use water colours, poster paint, collage materials, pastels or oil colours. If we were in school I would layer your work with you. Maybe starting with paint but adding oil pastels and collage pieces to bring them to life. If you need any resources from school to help you just let us know and we will sort some out for you.

When your art work is finished you can then explain it through a short piece of writing. A scaffold for  this would be to use between 5 and 8 writing prompts from these below...


As long as entries and the writing description are With me before the end of term (just drop them into school) I will enter them into the competition. I hope you have a go and can’t wait to see what you come up with! smiley

Enjoy and have some creative fun. 
