St Paul's Catholic Primary School
A Voluntary Academy
Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero
Happy new year! We hope that you had a lovely Christmas and are excited about returning to school this term. We have lots of lovely learning opportunities planned and are looking forward to working in partnership with you again.
This week began with a rather snowy surprise! The children have loved having the opportunity to explore the snow and it fitted very well with our 'understanding the world' book of 'A Winters Sleep'. We enjoyed listening to the story and learning about those animals which hibernate over the winter months.
Our drawing club book was an old favourite of We're going on a bear hunt. The children have loved joining in with this text and we have drawn and written about the story. We have imagined what the bears house would look like, drawn a possible way to get over the river rather than through it and designed a flag to warn people there is a bear about! The children have really worked hard remembering their phonics and using it to write simple captions about their pictures.
The icy, cold weather meant we have been learning from home for a few days but it was lovely to see you on zoom and see your pictures on Tapestry. We look forward to a more 'normal' week next week!