St Paul's Catholic Primary School
A Voluntary Academy
Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero
Holy Week Assembly by Sycamore Class
9am: The Last Supper and Washing of the Disciples' feet - Maundy Thursday
Parents are welcome to join us in the school hall for these short periods of reflection, prayer and song.
Grammar and Punctuation Assessment for Y5 and Y6
Maths - Year 5
LO: To find the area of rectangles
Maths - Year 6
LO: To find a rule - algebra
There are two parts to this lesson - use the lesson videos if you need extra explanation
Ready to move on?
Now do these 2 step problems.
Online Game - Finding Number Patterns
Start from a number and make a number sequence by applying a rule. A rule is a simple operation like 'Add 2'
Holy week preparations - readings
Standardised Spelling Assessment for Y5 and Y6