Judged OUTSTANDING for Early Years, Personal Development and Behaviour and Attitudes (Ofsted May 2024), ......'In the Reception class, children receive an excellent start to their education.'.....'Children are exceptionally well prepared for learning in Year 1.'.....'Pupils develop as mature individuals due to the exemplary provision that they receive to support their personal development.'.....'Pupils’ behaviour during lessons and around school is exemplary.'.....'Pupils are proud of their school mission statement. They aspire ‘not to have more but to be more’ in all that they do. Pupils are happy in school.'.....

St Paul's Catholic Primary School

A Voluntary Academy

Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero


Good morning everyone! Happy Friday and Happy one school day to go until we are all back together again!smileyheart


Happy Birthday to Mrs Rogers and to Mrs Tyson; we hope that you both have a lovely day. heart


I really enjoyed World Book Day yesterday and I hope that you all did too. Today should be an easier day because I would like to give you some time to acknowledge how hard you have been working (so this afternoon is 'Golden Time') and also I would love you to look at all of the wonderful work you have done to select your favourite piece or pieces to bring into school. We have cleared a display board to become our 'Kenyan' wall so please bring in your masks, African sunsets, animal pictures etc... Xavier, would Ken the Maasai warrior be able to keep watch over this wall? We will mount your work, display it and then it will come home again. We will be doing work in school to add to it too!


You might also like to get your uniform ready too.  Luca has grown taller so I've had to get him some new trousers!yes

Pack your book bags ready for your new books this week! smiley

Lenten refelction with Dan and Emily from One Life Musicheart


Before we get started with our activities, let us head over to join Dan and Emily for a few monents of quiet refelction and music. Follow the link below to our video page where you should see their Friday 5th March reflection..

Your wonderful work...smileyheart


I was hoping to share these videos at our Zoom meeting yesterday but my laptop had other ideas so here they are for you to enjoy this morning instead. Thank you to Enea, Xavier and Emily for being brave enough to be filmed and also to Rowan for reading his book 'live' on our Zoom!

I have added Enea's video to our St. Paul's video page as it's a little too large to post on this page. You will find it near our Dan and Emily refelctions under 'Beech Class' by following this link...

Here is Emily's book review...

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Emily's Book review part 2

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And here is Toothless from 'How to Train a Dragon' being interviewed yesterday...

Toothless Book Review

Your Learning Today


  •  Writing - completing our story books as authors and illustrators
  • Speedy Sounds - optional today as you will be putting your knowledge into practice as you write your story
  • Maths - My Maths. If you have a spare worksheet in your pack leave this. We will do that on Monday. I forgot that with 'World Book Day' we wouldn't be doing our Thursday Maths!
  • Religion - looking ahead to our new topic and thinking about our favourite Bible story.
  • Our afternoon learning - will be Golden Time. Choose to do something you enjoy, go out for some fresh air and exercise or join Joe Wicks or Cosmic yoga for indoor PE. Refresh yourself and think about what you will bring in for school on Monday!
Writing - completing our stories

Part 1

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Part 2

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Sound cards and common exception words to help you...

Religion - Looking ahead to our new topic, 'Following Jesus' and thinking about our favourite Bible story...

Introduction part 1

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Part 2

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As an introduction to our new topic, 'Following Jesus' I would like you to watch the video below which shows us how Jesus chose his first disciples. 

These first disciples became Jesus' special friends and they helped others to become closer to Jesus. They are no longer here on earth and so I wonder who Jesus' disciples are today? US!smiley WE are asked to be disciples and followers of Jesus through the kind words and actions we use towards others. I would like you to think about your friends today. heartYou may not have seen them for a while and you may be really excited about seeing them on Monday. You might be feeling a little bit nervous wondering are your friends going to be welcoming and kind to you when you see them. Well I know you will all be VERY kind, loving and welcoming to one another.

But I would like you to take a few moments now to think about your friends. What makes them special? What do you love to talk about and do together? What can you do or say for your friends on Monday and throughout the coming weeks to show them your love and care? Have a think, you might even like to say a little prayer for your friends and for our return to school next week.

Then, although we are not all joined together in class today, join in this song, which we often sing in class and remember that you are a disciple of Jesus and that there are many ways in which we can bring his love to others. smileyheart

My Hands Are Yours

One of our favourite songs by Dan and Emily from One Life Music. They were singing this at our morning reflection too!

My Blogging Challenge


I would love it if you would head over to my blogging post for today and tell me which is your favourite Bible story and why...5 dojos to everyone who adds theirs on. You can either repond in the comments or create your own post. heart

My Maths


Well done to those of you who are up to date with your 'My Maths'. Today is another chance to catch up and complete the task for this week. smiley

Our afternoon learning


Our afternoon learning - will be Golden Time.smiley This is in celebration of how hard you have worked. 


Choose to do something you enjoy... lego, construction, reading, art work amy be a few ideas. You might like to go out for some fresh air and exercise or join Joe Wicks or Cosmic yoga for indoor PE. Refresh yourself and think about what you will bring in for school on Monday! 

Kids Yoga To Help Anxiety 🌈 Yoga Club (Week 29) | Cosmic Kids

This is a really nice one if you are feeling a little bit worried or anxious about anything...

If you fancy an end of the day story, don't forget that Mrs Rogers has posted a video of her reading 'Tiddler' on our video page and I also include a video of a famous Bible story we will be discussing over the next week or two!

The Good Stranger

Have a wonderful day everyone and we can't wait to see you all on Monday. smileyheart