St Paul's Catholic Primary School
A Voluntary Academy
Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero
As it's World Book day this week, we are sharing our favourite children's book with you and why we like it so much! click on the video below to find out why Mrs Danton likes 'The Everywhere Bear' and why Mrs Ricketts likes 'The Tiger Who Came To Tea'. We would love to hear what your favourite book is and why. Perhaps you could record a short video showing us your favourite book and send it to us on Tapestry.
We would love to hear what books you have enjoyed listening to (or reading yourself!). We have created a 'Padlet' where we can all add our ideas and once we get back to school we can try and read some of them! If you click on the link below it will take you to the Padlet. On the Padlet is a +, if you click on this it will let you add your recommendation. Don't forget to add your name! You will also be able to see what other people have recommended. You can add as many books as you'd like!
Understanding the World
Can you build a house for one of the animals in the story, you could use Lego, boxes, card, paper or you might like to try something like the photo below and use sticks you have collected from outside.
The Gruffalo
use the sheets below or draw your own characters from the story and try and write as many 'wow' or describing words around them. Then draw your favourite part of the story you can have a go at writing a sentence about your favourite part of the story or your grown up could write it for you.
Understanding the world
You might like to make some Gruffalo inspired food, maybe try making your favourite fruit crumble but call it 'Gruffalo crumble' or decorate some biscuits or cookies with 'claws'
We would love to see some Gruffalo art work and there are lots of different activities for you to choose from. You can make a handprint Gruffalo, use a paper bag and make a standing up Gruffalo character. You could simply paint what you think the Gruffalo looks like or make a mask. There are some pictures to give you some ideas and we look forward to seeing your Gruffalo art!
Click on the link below to take you to the Gruffalo song. Here. the author of the book, Julia Donaldson, sings the Gruffalo song using Makaton sign language. Have a watch and listen and see if you can join in with the actions!