St Paul's Catholic Primary School
A Voluntary Academy
Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero
Good Morning. Thank you for all your emails and blogs. It is lovely to see how you are getting on!
To begin today please visit the blog page where you will be able to enjoy Mrs Smith's Wednesday Word'.
We have completed your home learning packs and they are available to collect outside the school entrance (main door) between 12.30 and 4.00 pm today.
You will find today's activities below and I look forward to seeing your work later. Have a good day!
Pirate Challenge writing:
Today we are going to be starting this half terms topic ‘Pesky Pirates!’
Have a look at the PowerPoint ‘All about Pirates’ below and then have a chat with your family:
What would it be like to be a pirate?
What do pirates like to do?
Are pirate’s kind or mean?
Use the pirate worksheet or your home learning book to draw a picture of your very own pirate. Then write a description of your pirate:
What is your pirate name?
What do they look like? Do they wear an eye patch?
Are they mean?
What do they like stealing?
Remember to use your phonic knowledge to sound out your words. Also remember your full stops and capital letters. I look forward to seeing your pirate characters!
Today's maths is looking at counting objects in equal groups. Your task will be to recognise when sets of objects are in equal groups or when the groups are unequal.
Our new topic is 'plants'. Today's presentation looks at what a plant is and how different seeds grow into different plants. If we had been in school we would have been planting some seeds and watching them grow. You might have done some planting at home but if not I have recorded a video showing you a variety of seeds and I have planted a sunflower seed and I will keep you posted how it grows. If you would like to do some planting of your own I have put some Sunflower seeds in the box with with your new home learning packs so please take one.