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St Paul's Catholic Primary School

A Voluntary Academy

Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero

Wednesday 3rd June

Good morning! As today is Wednesday we will be starting our day by celebrating our 'Wonderful Wednesday Word'. Today Mrs Smith is going to celebrate the Wednesday Word live via 'zoom'. Please go to Mrs Smith's blog page for the login details if you would like to join us! smiley

If you are unable to join us live Mrs Smith will put the celebration on the website so follow the link below to view it as a video.

Good morning 3rd June

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Continue to revise your sounds by tuning into the Read, Write Inc. lesson with Rosie. Anytime from 9.30am. Complete the reading of the sound and also the spelling video. The sound today is 'oi'.

It would also be beneficial to join in with the other 2 short videos; 'Red Words 2' and 'Reading Longer Words'. These videos are only 5 minutes each and are key to children becoming confident and fluent readers.

Animal challenge

Today we will begin finding out about animals. Have a look at the presentation all about animals, can you talk about which animals you like and why? Complete the animal challenge - you can use your green home learning book.


Today your maths lesson focuses on quarters. Your challenge today is to identify shapes which have been split into quarters correctly and those which are incorrect. Use the PowerPoint presentation lesson 2 and discuss the following questions:


Which shapes have been split in quarter correctly?
Which picture is the other quarter to the shape?
Which shapes do not show correct quarter lines?
Is there more than one way to split this in quarter?
How else could we split it in quarter?

How can we check we have split the shape correctly?

How many equal parts does this shape have?


Then complete the worksheet called 'Recognise a quarter'.  If you want a further challenge there's an investigation you can complete too. 


Afternoon activities

If you would like to choose one of the activities to complete here is the link.

Story time

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