St Paul's Catholic Primary School
A Voluntary Academy
Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero
L.O. TO write a non-fiction book
There's no new English work today: just use the time to continue writing your non-fiction book.
L.O. To solve a problem using perimeter
Print out the puzzle below. You will need to cut out each triangle. Then reassemble the pieces so that you put questions and answers together that match . For example: the perimeter is 20cm: the sides of the square are 5 cm. The final puzzle should make a large triangle.
Tip: start with the corners of the triangle: there will be 2 empty sides as they won't match up to anything else!
L.O. To find out about different instruments of the Orchestra
Use the website below to explore instruments of the orchestra. If you want to write about anything you find out in your yellow book, feel free! Maybe you could draw one or 2 and write about how they make sounds.