St Paul's Catholic Primary School
A Voluntary Academy
Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero
First of all...a HUGE well done to you and your families for your extraordinary commitment and effort to home schooling over the past few months ! We are so proud of each of you for keeping going with your home learning and would like to say a special thank you to your mums and dads and grown ups for helping you with all your learning activities!
PE- choose a Mr Wicks PE lesson to complete. Remember to still take part in daily exercise over the summer holidays- Jo's lessons are all on his YouTube channel for you to re-visit whenever you fancy getting active!
Spelling - Test yourself on the words you have been learning in List 5.
We have our final list to learn (List 6) I suggest you learn this list this week and test yourself over the holidays. Please go to your year group's 'General Resources' page and find the star symbol titled 'List 6' for today's spelling lesson, activity and handwriting practise.
RE LO. To understand what it means to be a disciple now. Reflect on ways to use your gifts now and in the future.
We have been exploring our responses to Jesus' invitation to be HIs disciple this half term. Today, we will be reflecting on how we can use our gifts to be a disciple during the COVID 19 pandemic and how we and others have 'lived out' the New Commandment.
History LO. To know what Britain was like under 'Edward the Confessor.'
Wow what a disruptive time in history we have been exploring...we've seen the fall of the Roman Empire followed by the invasions of the Picts, Anglo-Saxons and Vikings! We have certainly learnt Britain was in high demand in the Medieval times!
The last part of our History topic, 'The Invaders' takes us to when 'Edward the Confessor' was King (just before the famous battle of Hastings in 1066.) Today's lesson requires you to complete a series of missions - all the resources you will need are below. Enjoy!