St Paul's Catholic Primary School
A Voluntary Academy
Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero
Optional Zoom Music with Young Voices singing The Power in Me.
There is a Zoom music lesson with David Lawrence, the principal conductor of Young Voices this morning at 11:00. Please be aware that this zoom meeting is public and the details are available on Facebook and other places in the public domain.
Topic: Elevenses with David Lawrence 14th May
Time: May 14, 2020 11:00 AM London
Join Zoom Meeting…
Meeting ID: 895 3629 0848
Password: 432111
L.O. To use apostrophes for contractions
Here is a reminder about using apostrophes for contractions. You can watch the video below and work through the powerpoint for the tasks. The sheet is similar to the puzzle that you did for perimeter. (Hint: the final shape is a triangle.)
L.O. To add measures of weight
Ask if you can use the weighing scales. Find a few objects around the house (that don't weigh too much!). Weigh each item individually and record the weight. Then choose 2 to add together and work out the total.
Challenge: can you find different combinations of objects that weigh as close to 1kg as you can.
L.O. To find out about Lyme Park
Watch the video that shows all of Lyme Park. As you watch, you will notice that there are headings which tell you a little bit about the different parts and some key dates of when they were built or used. Pause the video each time a bit of information comes up and write the key information down. Make sure you write down the dates. We will need this information next week.