St Paul's Catholic Primary School
A Voluntary Academy
Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero
Your child has been sent home with a remote learning pack. Please find additional resources to support their learning below.
Phonics: Our Read, Write Inc virtual classroom resources have been emailed to you. Please follow the links to watch the videos.
In class we have been reading the story 'Meerkat Mail' please click on the link below to listen to the story again. There is also another video all about Meerkats with some exciting facts. Later this week we will be making posters about Meerkats and using some of the facts we have learnt.
Please use the question prompt sheet from your pack to think about 'Do Meerkats work well together?' Can you list all the ways they work as a team?
You can write your answers on your sheet or you could draw a picture of your favourite part of the book.
Use the videos below to help you to work through the sheets which you brought home from school.
Have a go at drawing this dinosaur with Rob Biddulph! Get your paper, pencils and colours ready!