St Paul's Catholic Primary School
A Voluntary Academy
Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero
L.O. TO write a paragraph
Write up another paragraph of your non-fiction book. Use the heading 'Habitat', but you will need to think of your own subheadings, depending on the animals that you have chosen. Try to use a range of different types of sentences in your writing. To use complex sentences in your writing you will need to use subordinate clauses to join the clauses. You can remind yourself about different types of sentences here:
L.O. To locate Lyme Park on a map
This term, we are going to be finding out about Lyme Park. We will find out when is was built and what it was like for some of the people who have lived there over time. First, though, we'll find out where it is. I'm sure many of you have been there before. Have a look at the website, then try to find Lyme Park on the map below. You may need to use other maps to find it.