Judged OUTSTANDING for Early Years, Personal Development and Behaviour and Attitudes (Ofsted May 2024), ......'In the Reception class, children receive an excellent start to their education.'.....'Children are exceptionally well prepared for learning in Year 1.'.....'Pupils develop as mature individuals due to the exemplary provision that they receive to support their personal development.'.....'Pupils’ behaviour during lessons and around school is exemplary.'.....'Pupils are proud of their school mission statement. They aspire ‘not to have more but to be more’ in all that they do. Pupils are happy in school.'.....

St Paul's Catholic Primary School

A Voluntary Academy

Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero


Good morning everyone and well done for all of your hard work this week. I couldn't believe some of the photos, work and ideas I saw yesterday. I think we are all feeling that we want things to be back to 'normal' as soon as possible so well done for showing the resilience that Sarah talked of in her assembly on Tuesday. smiley


***Our Zoom meeting details are on my blog so we will hopefully see many of you at 10am***. I know I've given you a few tasks this week;

Our Katy Perry dance to 'Roar' - bring those tiger masks if you made one!

Singing / dancing/ playing our instruments to 'Hakuna Matata'


and on my blog I have asked if before our Zoom you would like to write a message that you could hold up and read to your friends saying what you are most looking forward to about us all returning to school together a week on Monday. smileyheart


Don't worry if some of you are feeling a little bit worried too about coming back; we will talk about that too!yes

What have we been up to?


Yesterday we had a  peek at some of your amazing tiger masks. Here is  some of your work from yesterday...

Great Book Reviews...

And Emily very kindly recorded her book review. I think she could be on TV!

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Part 2

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Any your supersonic performance doesn't end there! Look at these beautiful photographs you sent me of your baptisms. I wonder of you can spot any of the objects and parts of the baptism celebration that I spoke about yesterday? Can you spot who these bouncing babies are too?smileyheart

Look at this! Rowan and Amelie held reenacted a baptism in their house, printed out the pictures and labelled them. Great work Rowan!

And finally, for now....

Look at Xavier's shoe box habitat; I feel like I have just landed right in the middle of 'The Lion King' film!

What can I say? Aren't you all AMAZING!

Our learning today...


I'm going to try and keep it quite simple today because I know how much effort you are all putting into keeping up the level of work we have been asking of you. It's Friday, and I would like to give you time today to catch up on any My Maths and to have time this afternoon to exercise, relax and look ahead to our Geography learning over the next few weeks. So today we will be ...


  • Writing - start a plan for our own story - through a story board plan.
  • Join Rosie for our Read, Write Inc speedy sounds
  • Maths - My Maths and trying to get up to date with any work on My Maths that we haven't completed.
  • Geography - sharing my new book and looking ahead. What else would you like to learn about Kenya? What else might you like to learn about Africa?
  • PE - time for exercise in or outdoors!

Our writing story board challenge explained


Next week as we celebrate World Book Day; we will actually celebrate this throughout the week, we will become authors and write our own short book! Yes, we will become authors and we will put our books into our class library to share with our friends! It would be very hard to just write a story without a plan though and so this is what we will be doing today. This is the THINKING part!laugh

I’ll explain...

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Part 2...

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I will explain...

Read, Write Inc speedy sounds with Rosie


Today's sounds are...

Set 2 – ir
Set 3 – ure
Reading longer words – igh/ i-e


Our Maths Learning Today...


Today our maths work is set on 'My Maths', but I am also setting a dojo reward challenge to make sure that you are up to date with your 'My Maths' work. I will be logging on on Monday to award 10, YES 10 dojos to everyone who has completed all of their my maths work. I will then re check next Friday and award dojos to any of you who have completed all tasks a little later on! Many of you are nearing the magical 200 dojo points needed to win a book prize. There is one week left to achieve the golden number!  smileyyes

We will do raffle prizes in class on our return to school when children reach 200 and our normal in class prizes will resume. 

Let's warm up first...

Let's Get Fit | Count to 100 | Count to 100 Song | Counting to 100 | Jack Hartmann

Teach your children to count to 100 as they get some great exercise too.This cool kid-friendly song starts out with a message about staying healthy and fit a...

If you would like an extra maths challenge then explore some of the maths games on espresso too. Our log in details are...


Espresso -

Click ‘login’ and select ‘espresso,

Enter username student6922 and password  pauls321



If anyone has lost their 'My Maths' login details just email and I will resend the details...smiley



Our afternoon learning


  • Geography -our questions
  • PE - outdoor or indoor exercise
Geography - I will explain...

Part 1

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Part 2

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Part 3

Still image for this video

Paper copy on which to record questions...



You may like to go outdoors for some family exercise or here are some indoor options below...yes

Spring & Easter Yoga For Kids 💐🐰 Yoga Club (Week 30) | Cosmic Kids

Celebrate the change in seasons with a cheerful collection of spring themed yoga classes! ⭐ Sign up for FREE access to our Yoga Quest challenge where you pri...

Have a wonderful day everyone and enjoy the weekend. smileyheart