St Paul's Catholic Primary School
A Voluntary Academy
Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero
Maths - Alternative for Mrs Charmer's group
LO: Rounding 2 or 3 digit numbers to the nearest 100
Maths - Year 5
LO: To understand millimetres and millilitres
Maths - Year 6
LO: To calculate the mean
Year 6 Leaver's Mass with Father Peter on the Playground - 11am
This is for year 6 pupils only.
LO: To present and publish our balanced arguments
Get your balanced argument from last week and type it up today, making any improvements and adding any more debate language and details as you go along.
PSHE - Live on Zoom at 2pm
LO: To understand emotional changes
If you are learning remotely, please use Zoom (link on the blog) to join us for the next episode of 'Paradise Street'.
Assembly - Road Safety - Live on Zoom at 2.45