Welcome to Willow class home activities. Please find below links to some fun and educational websites you might choose to enjoy with your child at home.

Top Marks: All sorts of wonderful engaging educational games
BBC Bitesize: Good for all subjects and ages – teaching games, videos, worksheets and facts
The School run: Good for all subjects and ages and ideas for activities.
Crickweb: Early Years games plus lots more
Oxford Owl for Home: Lots of free resources for Primary age
The Kids Should See This: Wide range of cool educational videos
ICT Games: Maths games for all ages:
Cbeebies Radio: Listening activities, stories and songs.
British Council: Resources for English language learning with stories, games and songs.
Phonics Play: Phonics and reading games
Crash Course Kids: Science for a younger audience
The Imagination Tree: Creative art and craft activities for the very youngest