St Paul's Catholic Primary School
A Voluntary Academy
Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero
Join Joe Wicks, who will get you all moving at 9am!
English- Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday - you have three days to write your story
LO: To write your own portal story
If you haven't done the other 'The Door' lessons which have been set over the last few weeks, then you WILL need to go back and complete them, in order to do the English work I'm setting here. Next week we will be focusing on separate punctuation and grammar activities, so if you're behind, there will be time for you to catch up then.
If you are up-to date and have done all of the lessons in the unit, then you will have all the 'tools' you need to be able to write your own portal story. You could write about a more traditional portal that leads you to a magical world, or you may prefer to use your own personal experiences, as we have explored throughout this unit.
A recap on all the key points we’ve been learning:
★ Now write your portal story, using all that you have learned. Don’t forget to share your work on the class email – great writing deserves an audience!
Maths - Y5/6
LO: To multiply mixed numbers by integers (times a number made of 'a whole number and a fraction' by another whole number
For this lesson you will need to multiply 'whole numbers by whole numbers' and also 'whole numbers by fractions' and then add the two answers together. For example, in the question 3 x 2 and a 1/4, you multiply the 3 by the 2 which is 6. Then, multiply the 3 by the 1/4...use pictures to help imagine what three lots of one quarter is...three 1/4s is 3/4. The answer to '3 multiplied by 2 and a half', is 6 and 3/4.
Use the video to help you answer questions 1 and 2 on the sheet, as there is plenty to do there today. If you want to do more, then of course you can have a go at the tricky problems on questions 3 to 7.
Alternatively, I have also posted a different video which you might find useful.
Maths Year 6
LO:To match fractions, decimals and percentages (FDP)
Use the video to help you complete questions 1,2,3 and 4.
I have also put on a link for a FDP matching game, which has different levels of difficulty that you can work through.
If you want a further challenge, have a go at the problem solving questions 5.6 and 7.
You can mark your work after.
Science Challenge Bingo
As we know that practical science is a fairly tricky subject to plan online for you, I have posted a selection of science and engineering activities below, which you could have a look through and pick from each week. What you pick will depend on what you have around your houses, what you find interesting and what your parents feel is achievable.
It's called 'science challenge bingo' because the second page is a bingo card! The idea is to try and complete as many of the challenges as you can and tick the bingo box (and date it) when you've done it. This means you should try to do as many as you can! If you don't have access to a printer, why not make your own bingo card?
It would be amazing to have some photos of the activities you complete, for the school website and even to send off to James Dyson to show him your amazing science and engineering learning.