St Paul's Catholic Primary School
A Voluntary Academy
Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero
Today's lessons are on the link below.
Set 1 speed sound lessons today's sound is k
Set 1 word time
Set 1 spellings
Set 2 speed sounds lesson today's sound is oy
Set 2 spellings. (If you find it useful you can pause the video at times so you have time to write the words as I know Rosie can be quite quick!)
Today we will have a second read of our books from yesterday - follow the links below for the e books. If you can encourage your child to read with a little more fluency. If they still need support blending the sounds together to read the word that's fine.
Tricky word song
When we are in school we love singing this song to practise our tricky words. Have a click on the link to enjoy having a sing!
Here are today's maths links- session 2 today
Here is today's video and the associated maths sheet. Today you are going to be 'Finding and making number bonds'.
Topic work
Follow the link to our afternoon topic activities page. We have lot of different activities linked to our topic Jambo and our new science topic of 'animals' this week we are finding out about pets.