St Paul's Catholic Primary School
A Voluntary Academy
Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero
Our Wednesday Word Collective Worship
The Wednesday Word this week is 'Holy Week'. Having reflected on the events of Palm Sunday last week, today we remember what happened at The Last Supper when Jesus celebrated an important meal.
Apologies that the sound quality isn't the best but I hope you enjoy the song sung by my dad and I at the end. I think my guitar playing is coming on! 🌟
Our Last Supper Senses Poem
As you did yesterday with your Palm Sunday work, today we are going to go back in time and imagine that we were present at the important last meal Jesus shared with his disciples. To help you to imagine, read the recount from the Bible below and then watch the video clip...
Writing our Last Supper Senses Poem
Following the structure of yesterday you will now write a poem based on 'The Last Supper'. Imagine what you would have seen, heard, smelt, tasted and touched had you been there. REMEMBER, you can use your description to be more symbolic and to show your understanding of the meaning behind the story.
Year 2 be creative with your word choices; your adjectives help sheet may come in handy.
I enclose my example below and a blank worksheet should you wish to print it out.
If not, use the sentence starters as a scaffold and write your poem into your green book.
Our Easter Triptych
Following on from starting our Easter triptych last week with our Palm Sunday window, today we are going to add on 'The Last Supper.'
Listen to the explanation below to give you some guidance and the pictures below will hopefully inspire your art work.
Good luck and don't forget to blog or email me a picture so I can see how you are getting on. I would draw in pencil and use your watercolours!