St Paul's Catholic Primary School
A Voluntary Academy
Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero
Mutual Respect
We enjoyed the visit from the boys and girls from Starehe school in Kenya. They entertained us with song and dance, which we all joined in with. We also had the chance to play and talk to them. We found out that although we live quite different lives, there are lots of things in common too.
Our class is named after Helen Keller, who was blind and deaf. She learnt how to communicate by touch. We learned how blind people can read using Braille. We wrote our names in Braille.
Mutual Respect
Mrs Dearden, from Mission together, came to talk to us about the work of the charity in Jordan. We all wore our own clothes to raise money for the charity.
Children who wanted to become the class representative on the school council had to prepare and deliver a speech to the rest of the class. Each class member then had the opportunity to vote for the people who they wanted to represent them.