Judged OUTSTANDING for Early Years, Personal Development and Behaviour and Attitudes (Ofsted May 2024), ......'In the Reception class, children receive an excellent start to their education.'.....'Children are exceptionally well prepared for learning in Year 1.'.....'Pupils develop as mature individuals due to the exemplary provision that they receive to support their personal development.'.....'Pupils’ behaviour during lessons and around school is exemplary.'.....'Pupils are proud of their school mission statement. They aspire ‘not to have more but to be more’ in all that they do. Pupils are happy in school.'.....

St Paul's Catholic Primary School

A Voluntary Academy

Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero

Tuesday 14th June

Tuesday 14th June 2022                           14.06.22


Good morning! smiley


8.45: Reading quietly

9.00: Registers and prayers

9.05: Song practise

9.30: PSHE

10.30: Break

10.45: History

12.15: Lunch

13.15: Y6 to Forest School  /  Y5 Maths

14.20: Y5 Track time

14.30: Y5 Finishing any work in PSHE books and marking maths and BIG TIDY UP of anything and everything.

15.10: Bags ready etc.  Don't forget to wear PE kits and bring lunches and drinks tomorrow!

15.15: Home


    Music - Whole Class

    Singing practise

    • Start the day with some song practise. 
    • Can you experiment with what sounds good today?

    Oasis-Wonderwall lyrics

    PSHE - morning - whole class

    LO: To know how to take care of my mental health

    In the last lesson we discussed what the term 'mental health' means to us and how without the right support, challenges could build up leading to a mental health difficulty.  Here are your wonderful ideas:

    Today, we will start with a warm up activity called: Relationships Web.

    You need a ball of string. (Willow Class have one)

    1. Stand in a circle, adult holding end of ball of string.
    2. Adult passes the main part of the string or wool ball to someone in the group saying how they are connected to that person, e.g.  ‘I am connected to……. because we both have brown eyes, or because we are both friendly…….’
    3. That person then keeps hold of the piece of wool or string that they can but passes the main ball to someone else in the circle again saying ‘I am connected to …. because……’ , and this continues until all the children have found someone they are connected to and have said why.
    4. Discuss how this game aims to show how we are all connected in some way and all have a relationship of some sort with others.

    Thoughts - Feelings - Actions

    1. Give out the lesson sheet and look at the cycle of thoughts, feelings and actions and talk through this scenario using the diagram.
    2. Thoughts: Someone posts a picture of themselves in their new outfit on Instagram. They get sent some mean posts about the picture with people making fun of them. They think, ‘I hate who I am’.
    3. Feelings: This gives them sad and angry feelings about themselves. ‘They feel stupid and embarrassed’.
    4. Actions: They stop socialising with others at school. This leads them to think… ’Nobody likes me’ and the cycle continues…
    5. Have you or someone else, ever done something like this? Use the sheet to write your own example of this kind of cycle and discuss it.
    6. Read the paragraph and then discuss what clues or signs a person might notice in themselves or might be noticed by the person’s friends or family members, that suggests they might need some help? e.g. being withdrawn, crying more easily, being angrier or moodier than usual etc.
    7. What could ‘break the cycle’ at different points and help the person’s mental health get back into balance?. e.g. talking to someone about it, stopping negative self-talk, spending time with a person who values them, doing a ‘calm me’, spending time in nature or playing outside, playing sport or exercising.
    8. Read the first scenario and work out if a thought, feelings, actions cycle has started or is taking place, and to discuss if there are any signs or clues that show this person might be in need of some help or advice because their worries are getting TOO BIG for them to manage.
    9. What could the help or advice be? This might be things they could do to help themselves or things that other people could do.
    10. Complete the activities.
    11. Glue the sheets in your PSHE books.
    12. Mark the scenario questions with your purple pens.

    History - whole class - morning

    LO: To make a poster about Poynton in World War Two

    1. On the school computer system, in Oak, there is a folder filled with photos of Poynton during the war and documents from and about that time.
    2. You have had some time to study these already.
    3. Today, work with a partner (small groups only) to produce a poster about life in Poynton in WW2.  Look at examples of the posters in Sycamore Class for an idea. (Neat, colours matched to the topic,large title, mounting etc)
    4. You can use copies of the photos - get the captions for them off the Oak folder - and cut them out and mount them for your poster.
    5. You need to choose the photos and information you include carefully, so that you know WHY you have included them.
    6. Include factual information, photos, illustrations, titles, subtitles, first-hand accounts and historical documents.
    7. I have attached lots of resources below which can help you.

    Year 6 Forest School - afternoon


    Year 5 Maths - afternoon

    LO: To subtract decimals within 1

    1. Use the video or lesson slides to work through the lesson, completing activities when asked.
    2. Have a go at the questions on the sheet.
    3. Mark your work.
    4. Go back and try again, the ones you got wrong.
    5. Have a go at the True or False question.
    6. Have a go at the games below. You will need to select the options which lead you to subtracting decimals.

    Y5 Lesson Video - Subtracting decimals within 1
