St Paul's Catholic Primary School
A Voluntary Academy
Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero
Good morning everyone. I hope you are all well. Hopefully today is going to be a bright, sunny day. I am in school today and will be preparing the classroom for our (possible) return. I will be tidying behind our curtain area... I might never be seen again!!!
If you would like to share in our Wednesday word today the word is 'Friendship'. Our Wednesday word leaflet can be found on our class page under 'Wednesday Word'. Follow the link below to the Wednesday Word video.
Before you move onto reading today's story 'Where The Wild Things Are' … I had to split it into 3 parts!, you may like a little reminder of some of the grammatical word choices and punctuation marks we aim to put into our writing. You can then look out for these when you read the story.
Speech marks are not usually introduced until year 3 but I know some of you have been using them, and because we see them so frequently within our reading I thought it was worth a peep!
Enjoy the short clips and activities below.
If you haven't had a peep at our art activity on our topic page, this might be something you would like to do. This and our other curriculum learning activities can be found using the link below.
Have a wonderful day.