St Paul's Catholic Primary School
A Voluntary Academy
Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero
This half term we have been getting to know each other and settling into the daily routines of school. Our topic this half term is called 'All about me' and the link to our curriculum map is below.
We also have some links below to some of the activities we will be doing over the next few weeks in school. If you have any questions or queries about these activities please don't hesitate to contact us on the class email or for Reception parents via Tapestry.
Please follow the link below to some short videos and activities you can download to support our 'just like me' maths topic.
We follow Read write Inc phonics for teaching the initial sounds. Please follow the link below and scroll down to the videos for parents and carers section which has some great videos. We recommend : Introduction to daily phonics lessons and how to say the sounds.
The link below takes you to oxford owl where you can choose and read a range of picture books and first sentence books together with you child. You will have to sign up to the website and create an account but this only takes a few minutes and it has a wealth of great resources to use at home.