St Paul's Catholic Primary School
A Voluntary Academy
Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero
School Leadership Team:
Headteacher: Mrs N Armstrong-Boyle
Deputy Headteacher: Mrs V Danton
Deputy Headteacher: Mrs C Smith
SENDCo: Mrs S Poirrette
School Business Manager: Mrs A Baxter
Administrative Assistant: Miss L Morton
Class Teachers:
Willow Class: Mrs V Danton
(Rec/Y1) Mrs L Ricketts
Beech Class: Mrs N Rogers
(Years 1/2) Mrs L Luff
Sycamore Class: Mrs C Smith
(Years 3/4) Mrs H Tyson
Oak Class: Mrs E Szarics
(Years 5/6)
SENDco Support Teacher: Miss Flatley
ECT Tutor/Mentor: Miss Flatley
Modern Foreign Languages (MFL) Lead: Mrs C Smith
Forest School Leader: Mr M Couper
Teaching Assistants (including those supporting children with SEND (Special Educational Needs and/or Disability):
Mrs K Black Mrs S Duffy
Mrs G Hadfield Mrs P Harrison
Miss P Brogan Miss M Marshall
Mrs S Coles Mrs H Tempest
Mrs L Downes Mrs D Goodwin
Mrs E Philbin Mr A Cardwell
Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) Teaching Assistant:
Mrs L Downes
Wrap Around Care Club (before and after school):
Manager: Mrs K Black
Manager: Mrs D Goodwin
Catering Supervisor
Mrs L Beaumont
Midday Assistants:
Miss P Brogan
Miss M Brownbill
Mr A Cardwell
Mrs D Goodwin
Mrs A Wild
Site-Manager: Mr K Hadfield
Caretaker: Mr A Cardwell