St Paul's Catholic Primary School
A Voluntary Academy
Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero
Good morning Year 2's. I hope today finds you safe and well. We have had some lovely sunny weather again this week, so make sureyou enjoy it whilse it lasts. Most of our work today is on our 'Everybody week 5' page. Today I will add links to that page from here... yes, my technology skills are getting better and better!!! Below I include a link to Mrs Armstrong-Boyle's Wednesday Word video and this week's newsletter and your maths work for today.
Our learning today is as follows;
The Wednesday Word
Is today led by Mrs Armstrong-Boyle. Follow the link below, and once on the video page click on today's Wednesday Word, which looks like this...
Please head over to our 'Everybody Week 5' page for our Literacy written task... click on the link below to take you there!
Our Maths Learning
Today we are looking at what we call 'non unit fractions', which are fractions where the number on top is greater than 1. For example, 2/4, 3/4,
2/3 are non unit fraction because we are looking at more than one part.
Hopefully you are understanding our work on fractions and see the link to our work on 'division'. I know from woring with Luca that it can seem quite heavy and Luca's brain has got quite frazzled switching between halves, thirds and quarters. Before moving straight on you might therefore like to explore the videos and activities on fractions on the Espresso website below. This link should take you straight to the page, just in case you are promoted to input your password here is a reminder.
Look at as many videos as you fancy, then if you click onto 'Activities' down the left hand bar you can have some fun on the games.
Enter username student6922 and password pauls321
Science task
Please follow the link below to our 'Everybody Week 5' page.