St Paul's Catholic Primary School
A Voluntary Academy
Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero
Hello everyone. Below you will find our Literacy and Science work for today. Our Wednesday Word and your maths tasks are on your separate year group pages. I hope you enjoy our activities today; two more days before I draw our Mr Benn raffle. I've also got a brand new copy of 'Traction Man' as an extra prize. Mr Benn is ready to go to a new home but also can't wait to see your work!
I hope you have enjoyed your reading this week on travelling through the air. Have you managed to make your papier-mâché hot air balloon? Luca's is now dry and he can't wait to paint it. I am saving that job for our bank holiday weekend job. On Friday I will be in school and will provide paints and bowls for the basket. More details on that tomorrow...
Our book for the next couple of weeks is very much linked to our hot air balloons. Here is Mr Benn introducing it...
Below you will hear me reading the introduction to the story and then I will explain what I would like you to do. I've done two short videos to enable me to keep them on this page. If they are too long I have to load them on our video main page! It's all very technical!!!
So our task today is to use what we have heard and what we can see to write our own introduction to the story. We will aim to give more details about Miss Harriet Fanshawe, where she lives and what this tells us about what kind of character she is. Also, does she think it is a good idea to take children on her next adventure? Why is she making a new balloon? What plans was she already making?
Year 1's
I would like you to write at least 5 sentences in your green book. These will be your own introduction to the story. Rather than 5 short sentences; lets extend these with joining ideas together with 'and' or 'because' to give reasons. Remember to use capital letters, full stops for your sentences, capital letters for names, and you may even get to use some question marks and exclamation marks.
Below is a scaffold that may help or you may have your own ideas!
Year 2
As with the year 1's I would like you to write your own introduction to the story. I would like to see this as a further opportunity to use interesting adjectives to describe some of the objects and the scene that we don't hear in the original introduction. You will see from the introduction (do read it below), that there are opportunites for you to use;
Our science work continues to look at materials linked to travel; this week to vehicles. Just as with the journey/ holiday items we looked at last week, vehicles are made of specific materials, materials that make them fir for purpose. For example, windows need to be transparent, cars need to withstand a bump or more serious crash, tyres need to have some flexibility in them...
Activity choices
You have a choice of activity today depending on how much energy for recording you have within you after this morning.
1)option 1 - look at the travel and transport picture cards and discuss them using the question cards. This is an oral discussion.
2)Using the worksheet 3A use the picture cards to complete the grid and then choose a vehicle off the sheet or one of your own choice to draw and label the different materials it is made from.
3)Using worksheet 3B choose 3 vehicles and describe the different materials they are made from and why.
4)Something a little more hands on...
• Arrange for children to explore some vehicles first hand. This could include a car, a bicycle, a motorbike, a tricycle, etc. Allow children to (carefully!) touch the different parts of the vehicle to see what they feel
like and to discuss which materials the different parts are made from. Encourage children to think about why certain materials have been chosen for each part, e.g. why rubber is used for the tyres, why plastic is used for the headlights, etc.
Once children have had time to explore the vehicles, they could then draw labelled diagrams to show which materials were used on the different parts. You could do this in your green book or on a page of the cartridge paper from your pack if you would like to watercolor paint the vehicle of your choice.
Obviously, we are not out and about to see as many vehicles as we might in car parks etc... If you would like to draw and label a vehicle you don't have sitting on your driveway, you are more than welcome to. Those of you with parents connected to planes might like to draw a plane and talk about what the different parts are made of, or do a little research (interviewing!) I will share what we find on our class page tomorrow.