Judged OUTSTANDING for Early Years, Personal Development and Behaviour and Attitudes (Ofsted May 2024), ......'In the Reception class, children receive an excellent start to their education.'.....'Children are exceptionally well prepared for learning in Year 1.'.....'Pupils develop as mature individuals due to the exemplary provision that they receive to support their personal development.'.....'Pupils’ behaviour during lessons and around school is exemplary.'.....'Pupils are proud of their school mission statement. They aspire β€˜not to have more but to be more’ in all that they do. Pupils are happy in school.'.....

St Paul's Catholic Primary School

A Voluntary Academy

Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero

Religious Education

Our favourite miracles illustrated in our triptychs.


We chose our favourite miracle to illustrate in our triptychs. You will find them in our religion books and our explanations for why we were most touched by the miracle we chose. 



The Wedding at Cana


Our acting skills came to the forefront again when we reenacted the wedding at Cana. We were also very fortunate to be able to ask Mary and Jesus about the event. We thought of some thought provoking questions and Emily in the role of Jesus, and Arianna as Mary had wonderful answers which revealed their understanding of the miracles. Well done everyone!





Jesus Heals the Paralysed Man


In groups we created frieze frames of the man whose friends brought him through the roof to see Jesus. We adopted the roles of Jesus, the paralysed man and his friends. We then brought our picture to life and thought about what the characters would be saying and how they might be feeling. Can you tell who we are from our expressions and body language?

Reenacting ‘Jesus Calms the Storm’.


What does this miracle tell us about Jesus? What is the message for our own lives? We recorded our answers to these questions following our drama activity.

What a wonderful Prayer and Liturgy prepared by Theo, Xavier and Enea. 

Enea even read in Italian from his Bible...

Easter Art- our Easter Cards


Our aim was to bring together our learning in Religion together with the traditional images we associate with Easter... eggs and new Spring life. We designed an egg to represent the opening tomb and inside the tomb an image or words that represent the Easter story. We think they look fabulous! πŸ™Œ

Celebrating Holy Week


 We were delighted to be back together in school to celebrate Holy Week around different areas of our wonderful school grounds. Through Prayer and Liturgy we re-enacted Palm Sunday in our quiet area,  The Last Supper in the hall, The Garden of Gethsemane in Forest School and The Stations of the Cross around the school field.


Palm Sunday

The Last Supper



The Garden of Gethsemane in Forest School

Good Friday- Stations of the Cross around the school field



Our 'Unique and Valued' virtual retreat with Dan and Emily from One Life Music


 It's been a strange few months and a very busy time in school for everyone since returning in September. We are so proud of our children; their hard work, resilience and care and support for one another. We therefore thought that Anti-bullying week was the perfect time to join together (but still in our bubbles!) to celebrate a retreat; time to be still, reflect and to spend time focused in the presence of God. Time to appreciate how utterly loved we are by God and how precious and unique we are to him. 

We absolutely loved the music, reflections, prayers and activities the morning brought. The children brought home their little books to show you and hopefully shared some thoughts on their morning with you too. 🌟

A Perfect Poynton


As an extension to our Geography work on our local area, we thought about where Jesus lived and shared this information...

We were then set the following task...

heartThe Wednesday Word and Anti-bullying Week


We have continued to share the Wednesday Word and Sunday Gospels in class each week. We were delighted when this week's word, 'Kindness' perfectly complimented our PSHE work on bullying. For us, Jesus gave us the perfect example of how to live and how to treat others. We reminded ourselves of his important instructions;

'Love one Another as I have loved you.' And 'Love your neighbour as yourself.'

This week's Gospel reminds us that what we do for others we also do for Jesus. 

We read the story Jesus told of 'The Good Samaritan' and created poster messages that we know Jesus would want us to follow...

You can see us holding our messages on our class 'Anti-bullying page.'


We have started to design our 'Perfect Poynton.' Our finished results and written descriptions will follow next week!smileyheart

Starting learning about Mary, Mother of God


We worked with a partner to look at a beautiful modern art picture of Mary to record what we already know about this special lady. 

Noah comes to visit...


To help us to understand why Noah did as God asked we were very lucky to have Noah himself join us! He stepped straight off his arc and into our classroom so we could interview him! 🌈

Our Noah's Ark Triptychs


Here are our beautifully illustrated triptychs which reflect different parts of the Noah's Ark story. Around the edges you will notice words we have written; chosen to highlight important messages and events from the story. 🌈

Our completed 'God's Great Plan' display. Teamwork!

God's Great Plan


 In response to thinking what our favourite part of God's creation is, we have created these group collages. We think they look fabulous! β€οΈπŸ˜€

We thank God for the beauty and variety of the world we live in. πŸ™Œ

Wow! You really did 'Brighten Up' our CAFOD Harvest appeal today with your amazing outfits, sparkle, hair colour, glitter and happy smiles! 

You have been messengers of God's love by sharing what you have with those less fortunate than ourselves. The homeless and disadvantaged in Stockport will benefit from your wonderful food donations which will be taken to The Wellspring. CAFOD will use the money we have raised to provide clean water in countries overseas where communities struggle to enjoy the most basic of human rights. Thank you everyone. πŸ™ŒπŸŒŸπŸ€—
