St Paul's Catholic Primary School
A Voluntary Academy
Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero
We hope that you are enjoying your topic lessons. I wonder how your sunflowers are doing... I'm sure that they are starting to grow really tall with the good mixture of sunshine and rain. This week you have the choice of science, art, music, computing and geography.
This week is your final lesson of the unit looking at plants. Today you are going to look at how plants grow over time. Share the slides and watch the video before completing your worksheet. You may enjoy drawing or painting a picture of your sunflower on a separate piece of paper.
Does your sunflower look like the picture below? Don't worry if it doesn't, hopefully it will do soon. If you fancy doing a bit of art work you could use the famous painting called Sunflowers by Vincent Van Gogh to give you some inspiration. Look at the painting and then create your own masterpiece using your watercolours.
Your Geography lesson today focuses on using compass points and maps. Share the slides learning about what a compass is and how it is used. Then you have the challenge of working out which beaches the characters have been to by reading the cards and using your knowledge of compass points. As this is the last lesson on seas and coasts you also have an end of unit quiz! Have fun.
Your online safety lesson today focuses on sharing pictures and asking for permission. There are worksheets to support you delivering these important messages to your child. Please download the sheet below.
The music lesson today has another well known song, one your parents may remember from childhood, it's called 'When I was one I sucked my thumb'. It teaches about jumpy energetic rhythms and repetition. Enjoy this lesson.
Please continue with your daily exercise, it's important to keep us feeling fit and healthy. You can always join in with Joe Wicks and Cosmic Kids Yoga as extra exercise too.
Art Work...
If you started a 'Spirited Art' competition entry then you may have more work to do on it. In school the year 1 children have done their initial painting in response to the question 'Where Is God?'This week we will be adding to our paintings by outlining them in black and by adding oil pastels to add extra texture. We may also be adding tissue paper, glitter and sequins. Feel free to do the same. If there is anything you need then just email and we will do our best to provide. We would LOVE
to have some competition entries from you. You can drop them into school later in the week or whenever you are passing. Don't forget to bring in your letters to Emily too. You may like to do a painting for her of what you think she saw in her pond!
I will post them to Emily and she promised to send you a reply; either a postcard or letter when she goes on holiday to Cornwall.
She will need your letter to send a reply though.
History- Link to Bob the Man on the Moon
Watch the first moon landing and read all about it below. The lesson plan has a link to NASA videos.