St Paul's Catholic Primary School
A Voluntary Academy
Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero
PE: Join Joe Wicks for PE or get out and about.
There is no class novel today, but it will return towards the end of the week. If you're missing it, why not go back and listen to chapters 1-28.
The City of Silence Activities 12 and 13
LO: Paint and write a descriptive paragraph
Today you are going to bring one of your place/abstract noun combinations to life, through art and writing. Choose one of the combinations that you have written - one you would like to describe further. Then, have a go at sketching out what this place might look like. Can you turn it into a large piece of art? A painting or model for example?
Then, write descriptive paragraph based around this combination. Try to describe the setting and how the character reacts to what they see. Remember to keep re-reading your writing to see if it works and if it needs a tweak here or there with the spelling or punctuation.
Maths - Year 5/6
LO: To understand two-way tables
Watch the video, have a go at the questions and then mark your work.
Maths Year 6
LO: Area of triangles
Watch the video, have a go at the questions and then mark your work.
LO: What impact are humans likely to have on life in the future?