St Paul's Catholic Primary School
A Voluntary Academy
Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero
Reading in Beech Class
We have focus books which are linked to our topic for each term. We use these books to inspire a love of reading, develop comprehension skills and inspire writing. These are just a selection, as we also read many non-fiction and poetry texts too!
Autumn Term books
Fire and Fantasy topic
Read, Write Inc. Phonics
The children enjoy daily Read, Write Inc. phonics lessons. The children participate in Word Time where they learn a sound, and words containing this sound. They then develop fluency reading words they have read previously. The children learn to spell words containing the sounds they know. The lesson also includes reading a storybook which is matched to the child's phonics reading level.
We use our English lessons to develop comprehension skills and every English lesson has a 'Read and Respond' task. We also teach comprehension lessons using VIPERS. These lesson focus on the key aspects of reading from the National Curriculum.
All the children learn some Common Exception words each week. The Year 2 children also have an additional Read, Write Inc. Spelling lesson daily, learning a new spelling rule each week.
Writing in Beech Class
The children love to write for a purpose. We write about real life events and use many different stories to inspire writing. The children develop their writing skills and vocabulary in lessons. We use Read, Write Inc. strategies to make progress in spelling and have regular handwriting lessons to develop presentation skills.