St Paul's Catholic Primary School
A Voluntary Academy
Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero
If you can, join me at 11:00 today for a few games and a chat! I hope to see lots of you there! The login details are on my blog.
L.O. To write a diary entry
You are all set to get writing! You've done lots of thinking and preparing for your jungle adventure. Now it's time to put all the ideas together and to write your jungle log entry. Where are you and what have you been doing?
Read through the document below as there some tips to help you out. If you would like to type up your work, that would be great too! I can't wait to read them.
L.O. TO identify angles
Work through the powerpoint below to remind yourself about different angles. Hopefully, you are learning them by now! Then you can have a go at the sheet below. Only do the questions on the 2nd page if you are feeling confident about angles and fancy a challenge!
L.O. To learn about places in Australia
Watch the video below for an overview about Australia! Use Google Earth (the link is below) to find out the names of some of the major cities. If you have a printer, you can add the names onto the sheet below, or you can name the cities in your yellow book and describe their location using geographical words such as North, South, East, West and which seas or ocean they are near.