Judged OUTSTANDING for Early Years, Personal Development and Behaviour and Attitudes (Ofsted May 2024), ......'In the Reception class, children receive an excellent start to their education.'.....'Children are exceptionally well prepared for learning in Year 1.'.....'Pupils develop as mature individuals due to the exemplary provision that they receive to support their personal development.'.....'Pupils’ behaviour during lessons and around school is exemplary.'.....'Pupils are proud of their school mission statement. They aspire ‘not to have more but to be more’ in all that they do. Pupils are happy in school.'.....

St Paul's Catholic Primary School

A Voluntary Academy

Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero

Thursday 30th April

Good morning everyone,

I hope you are all well and having a good week so far. Our learning today is as follows;


  • Literacy - Traction Man Character Description
  • Maths - please see your Year 1 and Year 2 separate pages
  • Science - Materials and Journeys
  • Remember to join Joe Wicks or to make sure you have some week- being or exercise time too! 😀⛹🏻


To start our day I thought it would be lovely to share a couple of our resurrection crosses with you. I will also do this more often with other fabulous pieces of work we do, as I know that you will not see work that is emailed to me. 

Madison Danton Resurrection Cross

Luca Daniels Resurrection Cross

Description of Luca and Madison’s crosses

Still image for this video

Literacy work - Traction Man Character Description


Today we are going to put our character description ideas into sentences inside our 'Lift the Flap Books'. You will need your ideas from yesterday and your lift the flap book. You may like to ask a parent to rule lines inside the flaps to help you do your very best handwriting. 

What you will need

Year 1's I am looking for;


  • Clearly written sentences punctuated with a capital letter and full stops.
  • Use capital letters for the names of the characters.
  • Use an exclamation mark ! if you say something funny.
  • Join two ideas together in a sentence by using the word 'and'.
  • Extra challenge; give reasons for what you say by using the work 'because'.


Year 2's in addition to the above I am looking for...


  • use several adjectives or ideas in a list and separate them with a comma. Remember, the comma comes after each word in a list except the one that comes before the word 'and'. I enclose a video below to remind you.
  • use apostrophes in contraction words such as can't, doesn't, won't...
  • Extend your sentences with words that give reasons or explanations for what you have said. For example, or, but, so, because, when, if...
  • Proof read your work as you go along to check for key spellings, and all of the above.

Science Materials for Journeys



Today we will think about what materials some of the items we take on our journeys are made from. Year 1, you will name the materials and describe them. Year  2 I would like you to take it a step further and  think and explain why the objects have been made out of that material, so you will be thinking about the properties of the material. 



Powerpoint introduction for everyone

These are the sheets you need from your pack

Worksheets - there is a copy in your pack. It is the first sheet and the photographs.

Then year 2's, you can either complete the sheet in your pack using the object photographs or you can use the next double spread page in your green book to draw the outline of a suitcase (the full size of the two pages). Then, cut out the objects you will take on your journey, stick them in your suitcase and label what they are made of and write a short sentence next to the object saying why that material was a suitable choice for the item to be made from. I include an example below...

Mine is on a piece of paper because Luca will be cross if I use his book! I’m going to add about 4 more on too.
