St Paul's Catholic Primary School
A Voluntary Academy
Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero
Good afternoon,
I hope you've had a good lunchtime!
We thought you'd like some art while I am out on my course.
LO: To use oil pastels to create a picture of a planet in space.
In today's lesson, you will have a go at using pastels to draw (firstly) Jupiter. The video below shows you how.
Make sure you have the following items:
Now we have all had a go at drawing Jupiter, you can have a go at one of the other celestial bodies.
You can do this one in your sketch book too. The videos for some of the objects are below, but you may just use the image to support your work if this is more manageable. You don't need a video to make your own...just use the skills you developed when drawing Jupiter.
Fancy a challenge?
End of the day activities