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St Paul's Catholic Primary School

A Voluntary Academy

Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero

Wednesday 3rd March

Virtual Author Visit with Struan Murray


Details are on the blog - don't be late!

Wednesday Word

Maths Year 5

LO: To multiply 4 digits by 2 digits

  1. Watch the video, stopping when asked, to answer questions.
  2. Answer the questions on the sheet, when asked to do so.
  3. Use the answer sheet to mark your work.
  4. Have a go at the True or False to see if you can apply your knowledge.
  5. Post a photo or your scores on the blog and if you don't want it approved, just say so.

Y5 Lesson Video -Multiply up to a 4-digit number by a 2-digit number

Maths Year 6

  • There are 2 lessons today - the first is optional, to do in case you need an introduction to volume. 
  • You could just watch the first video, or you could do the sheets too.
  • The second video and sheets, is the main lesson I would like everyone to do.


1 - LO: To know what volume is

  1. Watch the video, stopping when asked, to answer questions.
  2. Answer the questions on the sheet, when asked to do so.
  3. Use the answer sheet to mark your work.
  4. Have a go at the True or False to see if you can apply your knowledge.
  5. Post a photo or your scores on the blog and if you don't want it approved, just say so.

Y6 Lesson Video - What is volume?

2 - LO: To find the volume by counting cubes

  1. Watch the video, stopping when asked, to answer questions.
  2. Answer the questions on the sheet, when asked to do so.
  3. Use the answer sheet to mark your work.
  4. Have a go at the True or False to see if you can apply your knowledge.
  5. Post a photo or your scores on the blog and if you don't want it approved, just say so.

No cubes need to be harmed in the achievement of this outcome.

Y6 Lesson Video - Counting cubes

English - World Book Day Activity 2

LO: To respond to the virtual author event

I would like you to produce a piece of work about the virtual author visit we attended this morning.

It could be, for example:

  • a poster about what the author taught us
  • a PowerPoint presentation about whales, or the author Struan Murray
  • a fictional news report about the whale on the roof
  • a model of the whale on the roof
  • a piece of art inspired by the virtual visit or chapter 1 (see yesterday's activity)
  • a piece of writing such as a poem or short story
  • a video of you presenting any of the above


I would like to create a display with this work when we come back to school, so make sure you have checked all of your spelling and punctuation and done the best work that you can.



World Book Day Activity 3

  1. Watch the video of the official World Book Day song.
  2. Complete one of the activities below.
  • While listening to the song, try to list the books/characters mentioned in the song, in order.  You can use the document if you wish.
  • Learn to sing the song and video yourself performing it.  The lyrics are below.
  • Write your own lyrics for a short World Book Day rap
  • Video yourself performing your own World Book Day rap

The World Book Day Song by MC Grammar
