St Paul's Catholic Primary School
A Voluntary Academy
Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero
There's a Boy in the Girl's Bathroom, Chapters 11 to 17
Listen to the chapters and tell me what you think about Jeff's decision at the end of chapter 17, on the Padlet below.
Welcome to the start of our new writing unit, 'The City of Silence'.
In this unit we will be playing with language and getting our creative juices flowing through games, poetry, description, artwork and video performance. We will also use the 'Padlet' to respond to each others' writing and give you the chance to 'be the teacher'.
Activity 1: Starting Game - The City of Silence
Have you ever wondered what it is like in...
★ the mountain of imagination,
★ the castle of doom,
★ the city of wonder,
★ the maze of wishes,
★ or the cellar of despair?
Well, you are about to find out! In this lesson, we are going to create our own unique settings by combining places and things.
Maths Year 5/6
LO: To solve multi-step addition and subtraction problems
I thought we'd move away from fractions and decimals this week, so today we will be focusing on solving addition and subtraction problems which have more than one thing to do, to solve the problem. We call these 'multi-step' problems because 'multi' means more than one.
We will need to make sure we can solve multi-step problems before we can focus on 'line graphs' which we will be doing for the rest of the week.
Maths Year 6
LO: To solve two-step equations
This week we will be finishing off our learning about algebra and moving on to some measures work.
Today we are learning about solving 'two-step equations'. 'Two step' problems are sometimes called 'multi-step' problems as there is more than one 'thing' to do to solve the problem. (Year 5/6 have problems like this planned, so feel free to work on that instead of this, if you feel you need to.) For this lesson below, we will use these 'two step problems' to solve equations, which are part of your algebra work.
Computing - Internet Safety
In a change from the usual, this week I will be posting daily 'Internet Safety' lessons. These are the same lessons that have been shared previously, however I would like all children to make sure they have covered the content so am posting them as part of their daily lessons. It may be useful for parents to do this work with the children, so that everyone is familiar with the resources available.
Activity 2- Questions about the film
Discuss the following questions and jot the answers down. (Possible answers will be posted on in Tuesday's lesson):
Activity 3: Design a poster
You’ll find lots of support and advice for parents and carers on keeping your child safe online at:
Thinkuknow is the online safety education programme from the National Crime Agency.