To read our newsletters, click on the noticeboard..................Prospective Parents/Carers, see Home>Key Information>Prospective Parents for a Visual Presentation............... Our children continue to enjoy fabulous experiences in our very own Forest School!........The School Council is busy working hard to promote children's views.......

St Paul's Catholic Primary School

A Voluntary Academy

Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero

Understanding the World

Today we have made binoculars for our upcoming adventure. We made them camouflage so that animals won’t see us when we explore.

Today we learnt about the noises dinosaurs might have made. We then completed dinosaur challenges were we pretended to be different type shots of dinosaurs.

Reception have been learning about the habitats that dinosaurs used to live in. We then made our very own habitat picture using lots of different materials.

We turned into palaeontologists for the day. We found dinosaur bones then put them together to make a dinosaur skeleton.

We learnt about the ways palaeontologists discovered what’s dinosaurs used to eat. We found out that one way was by looking at their poo. We made our own dinosaur poo so we could discover ourselves what they used to eat.

Making Chinese lanterns as part of our Chinese New Year celebrations.

We have been thinning about what clothes we wear in the different seasons and we sorted the clothes we wear in summer and in winter

We have been exploring the activities we do in the day and the night

To support our learning about the great fire of London in history our year 1 children visited the greater Manchester fire museum

Year 1 children sorting pictures of London today and London in 1666

Why are there so many leaves on the floor? We began looking at the changes we can see in our school environment with an Autumn walk

Year 1 have been investigating how animals keep warm in the Winter. They found out about what a polar bear can do to keep warm with our ice experiment
