St Paul's Catholic Primary School
A Voluntary Academy
Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero
Wednesday Word
Follow the link to celebrate the Wednesday Word with Mrs Armstrong-Boyle.
Times Table Practice
Spend some time today practising your times tables. You can play hit the button again or there is a link to other games you can play If you would prefer something on paper, the multiplication grids sheets are like mini 192 grids.
We will take a little break from The Wind in the Willows today to take part in Armchair Adventures. You might remember that we took part in the previous adventure before Christmas. There will be a live session that you can join via Zoom at 10:30 - 11:30. I look forward to seeing you there!
Please be aware that this is a public zoom not run by school.
Topic: Armchair Adventures Episode 3 – Carla’s Bubble Adventure
When: Wednesday 13th January 10.30am – 11.30am
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 891 9416 1199
Passcode: 730390
L.O. To divide by 1 digit using partitioning and exchanging
I've made a video for you to explain how to divide by 1 digits if the 10s don't divide equally (like the gold questions from Monday). Watch my video, then have a go at either the gold questions from Monday if you haven't done them, or the questions below. (Parents, please don's be tempted to teach the 'bus stop method'! We will get there, but we have a few more steps to take to make sure that we are secure in the concept! Thank-you!)
If you want your own 10s and 1s, you can make your own or you can print out from the copy below. You might need 2 copies.
L.O. To understand the properties of Solids, liquids and gases.
Follow the link below to the Oak Academy for a lesson all about the states of matter. Remember to add anything that you have learnt onto the topic cover sheet that you created last week.