St Paul's Catholic Primary School
A Voluntary Academy
Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero
Wednesday 6th July 2022 06.07.22
8.45: Wednesday Word
9.20: Registers and prayers
9.30: English
10.30: Break
10.45: Y5 Maths / Y6 Transition Lesson and Leavers Prep
11.45: English
12.15: Lunch
13.15: History
15.15: Home
LO: To answer questions about texts of the same theme
Begin by reading Miroslav Holub’ s poem The Door. You may like to listen to these two contrasting performances:
Decide which reading you prefer and why and jot down your response.
Now answer these questions about the poem:
a. What did you like about the poem? What was your favourite line and why?
b. How did the poem make you feel?
c. Which line in the poem did you find the most interesting and why?
d. Are there any parts of the poem that leave you with unanswered questions?
e. What questions would you like to ask the poet, Miroslav Holub?
Now discuss these questions with your group and write down your ideas.
Year 5 Maths
LO: To add and subtract decimals with the same number of decimal places
LO: To be able to answer who, where, when and why questions about the Vikings
Q1: Who were the Vikings?
Q2: Where were they from?
Q3: Why did they come?
Q4: When did they live here?