RECEPTION OPEN DAYS 2025-2026 will be held on Thursday 14th November 9.30-10.30am and Saturday 23rd November 10.00-11.00am. Please telephone 01625 877688 to reserve your space..............Judged OUTSTANDING for Early Years, Personal Development and Behaviour and Attitudes (Ofsted May 2024), ......'In the Reception class, children receive an excellent start to their education.'.....'Children are exceptionally well prepared for learning in Year 1.'.....'Pupils develop as mature individuals due to the exemplary provision that they receive to support their personal development.'.....'Pupils’ behaviour during lessons and around school is exemplary.'.....'Pupils are proud of their school mission statement. They aspire ‘not to have more but to be more’ in all that they do. Pupils are happy in school.'.....

St Paul's Catholic Primary School

A Voluntary Academy

Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero


Good morning everyone and welcome to our Thursday learning line up! Mrs Rogers and I are really looking forward to seeing you all on our Zoom meeting. smiley Details for this are on our blogging page. Look under Beech class and my (Mrs Davies) blog from yesterday specific to the blog.... not the one about my cupcakes!!!!laugh We hope the technology side will work; if anything doesn't quite go according to plan we can see it as a practice run! 


It was also lovely to see so many of you posting onto the blog; Jake and Evie had lovely messages for you and can be seen sharing their art work. heart


Today's learning is as follows;


  • Literacy - Intoroducing our new book linked to our new topic on Africa and Kenya. It' s lovely!smiley
  • Speed sounds with Rosie
  • Maths
  • Geography


Literacy work - Writing a prediction about our new book 'Lila and the Secret of Rain.'

Our new book...

Your task explained...

Mrs Davies explains your task part 1

Still image for this video

My explanation part 2

Still image for this video

Here is your 'prediction' sheet. Do use the pictures I have put on the class page to help you and if you are in school, discuss with a partner and if you are at home discuss with mum, dad or a brother or sister. It's good to share ideas and it helps us to say what we are thinking before writing it. I'd love to see your ideas so remember;

  • Handwriting - get ready lines
  • Use your sound knowledge and Fred fingers for spellings
  • You will need lovely, neat writing to fit your ideas in the boxes. smiley

Speed sounds with Rosieheart


  Don't forget to join Rosie any time after 9.30am each day for our phonics work and spellings. Today's sound for set 3 is 'are' and set 2 (for year 1's who would prefer the sound 'or'.) 

The longer words are 'are' and 'air'. 

Our Maths Learning Today...


Year 1 - Counting on


 Today we start our new unit on addition and subtraction to 20. We start today by practicing counting on from a given number. Have a pen and paper to hand and rather than having a worksheet today you will need some paper and a dice (if you have one). You will need some paper to make little number cards to count on from. 



I include a worksheet if you would like to do a little extra, but if you have spent time counting on with a dice and cards that is fine.

Year 2


 Today you start to look at set of or groups of objects that contain the same amount. You will count these as repeated addition, such as 5+5+5. Remember to have a pen and pencil ready for the video questions. I think you will also do very well on nearly all of the worksheet questions. Really think about what you can see, or as they say on Catchphrase; say what you can see. wink


Adding equal groups worksheet

Our afternoon learning - Geography


This afternoon we are going to focus on learning where we are in the world and where Kenya is. 

Look at the map below and see if you can find Europe. We are part of the continent of Europe. We aren't joined onto Europe however. We are an island made up of 4 different countries; 




Northern Ireland


Now look and see if you can find Africa. Kenya is a country within the continent of Africa. There are 54 countires in Africa. Wow!


From the map below, Year 2's can you remember how many continents there are in the world? We looked at this last year!

Year 1's, each continent is in a different colour on the map below. Can you count them?

Map of the continents of the worlds. How many are there?

Now have a look through the slideshow below which will give us the answers to my question. 

Slide show looking at the continents of the world, moving into Africa...

Your task...


 Below are a set of worksheets from which I would like you to choose the one you feel most able to complete. Use the map on the slideshow or the one I have included above to complete;

1)Worksheet 1 - the 7 continents

2)Worksheet 2 - the 7 continents and 5 oceans

3)As above but with no written clues

4)***This is a greater depth challenge that is tricky! Use the map on slide 6 to help you to complete the challenge questions on journeying to Africa from the United Kingdom.



Worksheets - choose your level and which sheet you would like to print out...

Now we hopefully know where in the world the continent of Africa and the country of Kenya are we will next week dive into Kenya. I know you have already been doing some research. We are also very lucky because two of your dads have experience of living in two different parts of Africa. Zari’s dad was born in Zambia and lived there until he was 7 and Xavier’s dad was born in Nigeria and I think lived there for many years. I hope both dads won’t mind is we maybe ask them some questions in the weeks to come. So, my final challenge for today is, can you spot all 3 countries in Africa on the map below? 
You are looking for

  • Kenya
  • Zambia
  • Nigeria 

Hopefully a clearer map!

I’m sorry... the map doesn’t paste onto here as clearly as it appears on my screen! The map within the slideshow above is probably better! 😀

Enjoy your learning today everyone! 
