Judged OUTSTANDING for Early Years, Personal Development and Behaviour and Attitudes (Ofsted May 2024), ......'In the Reception class, children receive an excellent start to their education.'.....'Children are exceptionally well prepared for learning in Year 1.'.....'Pupils develop as mature individuals due to the exemplary provision that they receive to support their personal development.'.....'Pupils’ behaviour during lessons and around school is exemplary.'.....'Pupils are proud of their school mission statement. They aspire ‘not to have more but to be more’ in all that they do. Pupils are happy in school.'.....

St Paul's Catholic Primary School

A Voluntary Academy

Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero

Monday 1st February

Good morning we hope you've had a great weekend!

This week is Children's Mental Health Week. We have lots of activities and stories to support this on our topic page and also some great videos each day. There is a link to a virtual assembly, hosted by Blue Peter presenter Lindsey Russell, below based on this year's theme 'express yourself'. The assembly is available live at 9am and then available to watch after this time. We hope you will find these activities engaging, supportive and enjoyable! laugh

Everyday this week we have a positive message poster and video to encourage positive thinking! We hope this sets you off for the day! smiley

Good morning and VIP

Still image for this video


We are so impressed with how hard everyone is working on learning their sounds and have already seen lots of improvements so do keep going with them! Even if you have done the sound it's fine to watch again and practise if you wish.


Set 1 speed sounds lesson today's sound is j

Set 1 word time

Set 1 spellings


Set 2 speed sounds lesson today's sound is or

Set 2 spellings


If your child has completed set 2 sounds please join in with the red words 1 lesson and hold a sentence 1 lesson.



Today we can do a second read of the stories from Friday. Either the ditty sheet 'Ditty 9 Put it on' or the Red ditty book Story 3 'This cat'. Remember to practise the green and red words before reading the story.


We have seen some great practise of writing your letters and we would like you to keep practising - just choose a few letters each day. If you fancy a change from pencil and paper have a look at the picture below you could use salt, rice, flour or even shaving foam and form the letters with a paintbrush or pencil or even your finger!

Reception Maths

Here is the link to your video and activity to follow. Today you are looking at one more, one less. Session 5.

Year 1 Maths

Here is your video link and worksheet. Today's session is on related subtraction facts, using your subtraction skills you learnt last week.

Afternoon topic activities

Follow the link below for our topic activities and this week lots of activities linked to positive mindset and children's mental health week.

Have a watch of the lovely story below exploring feelings - today on the theme of 'happy' smiley