Judged OUTSTANDING for Early Years, Personal Development and Behaviour and Attitudes (Ofsted May 2024), ......'In the Reception class, children receive an excellent start to their education.'.....'Children are exceptionally well prepared for learning in Year 1.'.....'Pupils develop as mature individuals due to the exemplary provision that they receive to support their personal development.'.....'Pupils’ behaviour during lessons and around school is exemplary.'.....'Pupils are proud of their school mission statement. They aspire ‘not to have more but to be more’ in all that they do. Pupils are happy in school.'.....

St Paul's Catholic Primary School

A Voluntary Academy

Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero

Friday 29th January

Morning lovely Oak Class! I hope you and your families are well! Another fantastic week of home schooling; well done! Keep the emails and blog posts coming in! 


For today's learning we have:

PE - get active using the video suggestions. Challenge: research the job of a Personal Trainer and create a fitness video (film this or just write a plan of the exercises and music you would use.)


RE- watch the Loom lesson and create a piece of artwork that shows some of the struggles/difficulties we face in life and how Jesus can help us.


History- watch the Loom lesson and complete the comprehension (no need to print this - you can read the information on the screen and answer the questions on paper.) 


PSHE - use the link to research and complete a job advertisement for your dream job. Think of 3 steps you need to take to achieve this. 


Time Table Practise - play 'Hit the Button' to practise your six times table or a table you find tricky.


See below for more details. 


Join the team at P.A.S for some fitness activities or Joe Wicks if you prefer! Remember it's so important to keep active!


Please take a photo of you taking part in either of these sessions or share how you have kept active today! 2 dojos for everyone who shares their photo on the blog or via email! Help inspire others to kept active. 


PE and PSHE Challenge: Rowan, Amelie and I have been taking part in PAS videos. We have found them motivating, inspiring, informative and uplifting! We have particularly found how they adapt their videos for different ages really helpful (e.g. complete 5 sets if you're 5 year old and 10 sets if you're 10 years old.)

As part of our PSHE this term, we have been thinking about jobs and today will be thinking about our dream jobs. I know that so many of you are keen sports people and may want to pursue a career in the sport and fitness sector. Therefore, I thought it might be fun and useful for us to become 'Personal Trainers' for the day. I would like you to research the job of a Personal Trainer, what it is and what it entails and then create a fitness video. Use exercises from the PAS videos, PE with Joe and our fitness PE lessons in school to create your own short fitness video.  You could include a short introduction about the benefits of exercise, you can create it for any age group but remember to try your best to be motivating, upbeat and positive, as these are the personal qualities required of a Personal Trainer. 


To know that Jesus has come for everyone and to reflect on how we can join his mission.

This little light of mine


Alternative Lesson Resource - Watch today's History Loom lesson up until 15minutes 16 seconds and then complete the alternative activity.

End of Lesson Review Learning Clip


As part of our PSHE this term we have been exploring a range of jobs and careers. I would like you to spend some time thinking about your dream job. I would then like you to complete the research below.


Oak Class Hit the Button Competition 

I would like you to play the ‘Hit the Button’ game again this week but for the six times table. If you are happy to, post your personal best on the class blog (the most you get correct in 1minute!)  Next week, we will focus on another times table.


If this isn’t your thing, then have a competition with yourself! Record your best score today and set yourself a goal to beat it!


Or play ‘Beat the Parent,’ get someone at home to have a go and see if you can beat their score!


Let me know how you get on!
