Monday 4th May
Good morning everyone and Happy Star Wars Day!
'May the Fourth be With You!'
That was a nice start to the day!
It was so lovely to see you on the Zoom chat last week- we miss your lovely faces! We will do another one this week, so watch out for the information on my blog and in your emails.
I read in the news that your 'lockdown PE teacher' Mr Wicks, has hurt his hand (strangely I hadn't noticed) and today he's employing a supply teacher to help him teach PE. Head over to his channel to find out who it is! (Spoiler alert: It's not me)
LO: To change the setting of a story
- Read over what you did last week if you were doing 'The Game' lessons.
- Today we are going to think of ideas about changing the setting to our new story. Open the document and complete the top of the table (draw your own in your books or print) to think of a new place for your own story.
- You could then draw your setting in your books to help you visualise it, or find images on the internet or in magazines.
- Now, complete the rest of the table, thinking about what comes out of the game, what 'it' does and any other ideas you have.
- Lastly, it's time to combine all of your ideas. You are going to write your new problem for the story (remember you had a go at this last week) but set it in your new setting. Start with a strange event in your new setting, then introduce the new problem or threat and then describe what it does!
Year 5 LO: To multiply 2 digit numbers using area model (also known as grid method)
Year 6: LO: To simplify fractions
- Both of these Learning Outcomes should look familiar to you, as this week we are going to recap some important previous learning.
- Watch the video that goes with the activity and have a go at the questions as they talk you through them.
- Mark your work.
- When possible, I have also popped on the links to BBC Bitesize, which from today onward will contain further information about the LOs we are covering, for those who want to watch a video and try some more activities.
Year 6
LO: To simplify fractions
Reading Activity
LO: To collect information from non-fiction texts
As it's VE day this week, I thought we should do a VE Day related activity each day, so you've got some good-old comprehension to keep those amazing reading brains going and also find out 'what it's all about'.
There are three versions of the text, questions and answers in this document, so pick your difficulty and you can either write in your books, on the sheets or discuss it with your parents if you are doing it with them.
LO: To record a Podcast.
- Go through the PowerPoint and follow the lesson instructions for recording a Podcast.
- I have also attached guidance sheets just in case you need them.
- If you would like me to listen to your Podcasts (and I really would like to) you will need to EXPORT the aup. video as an MP3...see instructions below.
Instructions for Exporting to an MP3
- Open Audacity and open the AUP file you would like to convert.
- Click "File," then "Open" and choose the file.
- Click "File," then click "Export as MP3."
- Rename your file so you can differentiate it from your original AUP file
- Email the MP3 file to