St Paul's Catholic Primary School
A Voluntary Academy
Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero
Spelling - Test yourself on the words you have been learning in List 1.
This week you will be learning words from 'List 2.' Please go to your year group's 'General Resources' page and find the star symbol titled 'List 2' for your spelling lesson, activity and handwriting for this week.
History - LO. I can describe why, where and when the Scots and Anglo-Saxons invaded Britain, describe a key historical character from the time and explain what the seven Anglo-Saxons kingdoms were.
During today's lesson, you will spend some time re-capping and re-visiting some key learning from last week. After learning about some important historical figures, you will then be completing some independent research.
Fathers' Day Card and Gift Ideas
If you have any special people in your lives that you wish to treat on Sunday's "Fathers' Day" then look no further. Here are some videos and activities which you could use to inspire or create cards and gifts.