Judged OUTSTANDING for Early Years, Personal Development and Behaviour and Attitudes (Ofsted May 2024), ......'In the Reception class, children receive an excellent start to their education.'.....'Children are exceptionally well prepared for learning in Year 1.'.....'Pupils develop as mature individuals due to the exemplary provision that they receive to support their personal development.'.....'Pupils’ behaviour during lessons and around school is exemplary.'.....'Pupils are proud of their school mission statement. They aspire ‘not to have more but to be more’ in all that they do. Pupils are happy in school.'.....

St Paul's Catholic Primary School

A Voluntary Academy

Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero

Monday 8th February

Good morning! We hope you had a good weekend! Check the blog for this morning's message and for information about this week's Zoom calls.  


Maths Homework

  • Again, I haven't set the usual 4 operations homework, but have set you 8 short division problems to solve.   
  • It is important to use the  'short division' formal written method correctly - those of you who attended the drop-in sessions last week have practised this - and we sometimes calls this method 'bus-stop' division. 
  • I have set a video all about this for the maths lesson today, so you may wish to do this before you choose your homework task.
  • Choose your difficulty and then copy the calculations carefully.
  • Use a times tables grid or list to help you solve the problems, if needed.

Spelling Tests:

  • Here are the spelling tests for list/week 5. 
  • Please ask someone else to read your spellings out if you are doing a different list.  
  • Record your scores on the Padlet below.

Set 2 Spelling Bees - List 5

Set 3 Spelling Bees - List 5

Set 4 Spelling Bees - List 5

Set 5 Spelling Bees - List 5

Set 6 Spelling Bees- List 5

Year 5 - Week 5 - Homophones.Mp3

Year 6 - Week 5 - Inter.Mp3

Year 5 and 6 Statutory Words - Week 5.Mp3

Maths Lesson

LO: To revise short division

  • No sheet needed today!
  • As a follow up to the drop-in maths lesson I did last week,  and to support you with the short division maths homework, here is a really good video which uses some new vocabulary which we can use when dividing.  It also encourages estimation too, which is a really important skill. 

Alternative activity - How to do division by grouping


Click on today's RE Loom lesson to learn about St. Josephine Bakhita and how she is an example of someone who lived out the beatitudes. Once you have completed the lesson, choose either the bronze, silver or gold activity to complete.  

Today's Alternative RE lesson and activity

Reading Activity Special

Captain Sir Tom Moore

As you may have heard, the sad passing of Captain Sir Thomas Moore was announced last week.  May we join the world in sending our condolences and prayers to Sir Tom and his family by remembering why he is an inspiration to us all.

  1. Read through the information below about Captain Sir Tom Moore’s life and then note down or discuss with your family the following questions:
  2. What do you think is his greatest achievement?
  3. What will he be remembered for the most?
  4. Why do you think he inspired so many?

Captain Sir Tom's 100 Challenge
In April 2020 during the first national coronavirus lockdown, Captain Sir Tom set himself a small challenge to raise £1,000 for NHS charities by walking 100 laps of his garden before his 100th birthday. He raised £33 million and became famous all around the world! Can you set yourself a challenge of doing something 100 times to raise awareness of something you care about? This could be through an exercise like Captain Sir Tom, drawing, or completing an activity for 100 minutes.

You could take photos, write about your challenge and send it to the following email.    help@picture

More information can be found here:

Spanish - Pets Lesson 1

LO: To say the names of 6 pets

  1. Click on the link below.
  2. Click 'Start Lesson'.
  3. Do the entry quiz.
  4. Click 'next'.
  5. Watch the video for the first lesson of our 'Pets' unit and follow the instructions.
  6. Complete the exit quiz.


Here are a series of short video activities to help develop a range of P.E. skills.  They are only a couple of minutes each, so you have time to do them all, spending extra time on the activities you enjoy the most.

LO: To develop hand-eye coordination

You will need a balloon for this activity

LO: To jump in different combinations

Ties, tea towels and socks are needed for this activity

LO: To start, stop, react, dodge, weave and make decisions to develop agility

You will need a ball and some soft toys or socks to use as obstacles

LO: To develop agility by using fast feet

(For those of you bothered by the fact I've skipped out lesson 8, it's called King of the Cones and it's on the YouTube page, #ThisISPE . ;)
