St Paul's Catholic Primary School
A Voluntary Academy
Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero
Happy Tuesday to you all!
I hope you had a good day yesterday and that you learnt some new facts about boats. Today you have your phonics/reading, maths and a selection of activities from the Topic page to choose from.
Today's plan...
Phonics and reading
10am – watch live Set 2 Speed Sounds lesson and Set 2 Spellings. Today's sound is 'ar' (start the car).
10.30am - watch live Set 3 Speed Sounds lesson and Set 3 Spellings. Today's sound is 'ire' (fire fire)
Here is the link to the Read, Write Inc. lesson:
Remember you can watch this at any time within 24 hours.
Then I would like you to read the book you chose yesterday, Jam Tarts or Horses (unless you chose a different level of challenge). Remember that this is the second time reading so your reading should be sounding more fluent with less sounding out. Please complete the questions found at the back of the book. You can choose to either discuss these or write the answers in your home learning book.
I hope that you enjoyed the story 'The Journey' yesterday. Today you have another story to read, and interestingly this story is also called 'The Journey'! It is written by a different author and has a very different storyline! There may be something else that you find unusual about this book. I wonder whether you will find the story as fascinating as I do...
The maths lesson today focuses on recognising half. Please complete lesson 2 of the PowerPoint presentation. Then complete the worksheet which you have in your most recent home learning packs titled 'recognising half'. When completing the tasks discuss the following questions:
Which shapes have been split in half correctly?
Which picture is the other half to the shape?
Which shapes do not show correct half lines?
Is there more than one way to split this in half?
How else could we split it in half?
How can we check we have split the shape correctly?
How many equal parts does this shape have?
Once you have completed a worksheet there's an online quiz to check whether you know what half is!
Head to our topic page this afternoon to choose an activity. Maybe you fancy doing some art work or learn something new in history. Take your pick!
Have a great day.