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St Paul's Catholic Primary School

A Voluntary Academy

Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero

Tuesday 30th June


L.O. To write dialogue using correct punctuation.

This is the last piece of preparation before planning and writing your story. You can use the sheet to practice how to write out dialogue in a story. If you want, you can watch the video to remind you how to use speech marks. Sorry for the catchy song again, parents!

The Direct Speech Song (Inverted Commas)


L.O. To read pictograms

Today's maths is on MyMaths. If you didn't do yesterday's task, you might want to do that first. Make sure that you are still practising your times tables too. 


L.O. To learn how animals adapt to their environment.

We've done lots of learning about animals in their habitats and learnt last week about food chains. This we're going to focus on how different animals have changed to help them to survive. This is called adaptation. Follow the link to the BBC bitesize page and you can watch the video and work through the quizzes there. 

Then, if you have a printer, you can create animal cards by printing off the Wetland Animal cards document below. At the bottom of that sheet are headings that you can sort the animals into. First, think about their feet, then their bills (beaks) and other body parts. Can you think why each feature is good for them living in a wetland habitat?

There is another document with key questions and information if you want to work through it with someone at home. 
