St Paul's Catholic Primary School
A Voluntary Academy
Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero
Animal challenge!
Today we are going to listen to the story 'Walking through the jungle'. It has lots of jungle animals in it. Can you guess which animal it is from the description? There are two versions of the story - one is the story being read and the second is a song version of the story. Listen carefully to the story and think about the descriptions you hear. Today's challenge I would like you to think of actions for each of the animals and try and tell the story in your own words with actions for each of the animals. If you can you can film your retelling or actions for the story. I would love to see them! Please then choose an animal to draw and write two sentences, one about the way it moves and one about the sounds it makes. Remember to use 'wow' words to describe the animals. Here is my example 'I can see a tiger prowling slowly through the trees. I can hear him roar loudly with a thundering sound.'
Warm your tens and units / place value brains up with this game. Click on
'T O' where you see my curser and practice making the numbers given by clicking on the tens and then the units...
Afternoon Activities
If you haven't already completed one of our topic activities follow the link below to choose one of our activities.