St Paul's Catholic Primary School
A Voluntary Academy
Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero
Good morning Year 1’s. Your maths learning is below, but our Introduction to the day, Wednesday Word and literacy task are on our ‘Everybody Week 9’ page so I will send you there straight away! Please follow the link below...
Today you are starting a new unit called 'Position and Movement'. Your first lesson focuses on describing turns. You will explore turns made by shapes and objects. It is important to use language such as full, half, quarter and three quarter turns to describe how the shapes have been turned. Use the PowerPoint presentation lesson 1 to learn about describing turns and discuss the following questions:
How has this object / shape been turned?
What would the shape look like after a full / half / quarter / three-quarter turn?
Can you draw what the shape would look like after being turned ___?
What would it look like after another turn?
Is there more than one direction the shape can be turned?
To have a good understanding of turns it will help to start with a practical task. Ask your child to stand up and move around the room/garden, give instructions such as ‘perform a full turn / half turn / quarter turn, three-quarter turn’. Older brothers or sisters could also help with this task if adults are busy.
Once you have completed the practical task then there is a worksheet to use where you show how shapes look when they are turned. You should find this worksheet in your new Home Learning pack. If you want an extra task then there's an activity where you can describe turns.
Our afternoon curriculum topic work
Please follow the link below...