St Paul's Catholic Primary School
A Voluntary Academy
Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero
Good morning Willow class.
Hope you are all well. We are looking forward to seeing you this afternoon on our class zoom call. Details have been sent to you via Tapestry or email. Hope you enjoy todays learning activities. Well done to all those children who have received a star for their hard work .
Today's phonics videos are once again on the link below, please follow these lessons:
Set 1 speed sounds lesson - today's sound is 'd'
Set 1 word time
Set 1 spellings
If your child knows all the set 1 sounds please follow the set 2 speed sounds lesson - today's sound is 'ow'
If your child is accessing the set 2 speed sound lessons they can also join in with the set 2 spelling lesson.
Follow the link below and the new lessons will appear from 9.30am and are available for 24hours so can be accessed at any time of the day.
We hope you enjoyed reading your sound blending book or ditty story earlier in the week - today we have a new book for you to read. It is on the oxford owl site where we are able to access free e-books. We have created a class login so you don't have to create an account. To keep it secure the username and password has been sent to you via Tapestry or for year 1 parents via email. Please let us know if you need these details again.
Today's book if your child is working on their set 1 sounds and beginning to blend words:
Tricky word game
To help practise your high frequency or tricky words you can follow the link to play the 'tricky word truck' game - start with phase 2 words and then if you fancy an extra challenge you could move on to phase 3.
Phonics play have allowed all there games to be free during home learning so you can use the login
username: jan21
password: home
Please watch the session 4 video and then complete the follow up activities on the sheet below.
Please watch the video first and the complete the sheet. The questions get progressively tricky. The expectation is that the activity should take 30 minutes so wherever you are up to by this point, stop. If you wish to come back to it later on in the day you can! You can use items to help you count that you have in your house eg pencils, pasta or teddies!