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St Paul's Catholic Primary School

A Voluntary Academy

Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero

This term's spelling lists

Year 3-4 Common Exception Words and Year 5-6 Statutory Words

Spelling Bees


Precision Teaching Flashcards Spelling Strategy


  1. Adult holds the word up for the pupil to see, and adult says the word. Then adult says the names of the letters (not the sounds).
  2. Ask pupil to read the word and then the letter names. Do this a few times.
  3. Then, cover the word and ask the pupil to say the word and then the letter names.
  4. As soon as they get a letter wrong, show the pupil the card without saying anything and they should then say the letters again.
  5. Repeat this until they get the word right and then give them the word card. They can then put one tick on the card. Use lots of praise and encouragement.
  6. The next day, introduce the next word on the list and repeat the strategy.
  7. Then ask them to spell out the words from the day before.  Each time they get a word right, they adds one tick to it.


Evidence suggests that if they manage the word correctly 8 times, then they have learned it.  Also introducing a few words gradually each day, and repeating the past ones so they do spellings daily, pops it in their long term memories.  


Cards with 8 ticks can be added to a special box or pouch, so they can feel proud of their achievements and also use it to revise those words regularly.
