Judged OUTSTANDING for Early Years, Personal Development and Behaviour and Attitudes (Ofsted May 2024), ......'In the Reception class, children receive an excellent start to their education.'.....'Children are exceptionally well prepared for learning in Year 1.'.....'Pupils develop as mature individuals due to the exemplary provision that they receive to support their personal development.'.....'Pupils’ behaviour during lessons and around school is exemplary.'.....'Pupils are proud of their school mission statement. They aspire ‘not to have more but to be more’ in all that they do. Pupils are happy in school.'.....

St Paul's Catholic Primary School

A Voluntary Academy

Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero

Tuesday 13th December 2022

Tuesday 13th December 2022


  • Silent Reading
  • Registers
  • Prayers
  • Advent Calendar

Christmas Colouring Competition



  • Enlarge the sheet to A3
  • Copy for each pupil plus spares!
  • Lots of coloured felts or pencils on desks



  •  You need to colour the A3 sheet.
  • You will need to add your name onto the design, around the edge. It needs to be large and clear to be seen from a distance.
  • You can add patterns, texture, shading to any part of the picture.  For example, maybe you have added a pattern to the walls (wallpaper) or made wrapping paper look Christmassy.
  • The more effort and time you spend planning and colouring, the better your colouring will be.



  • We use these designs as our place mats for the Christmas lunch.
  • It is a mindfulness activity, which can give us some focus, stillness and peace in a busy time of year.  This is good for you.
  • It's a competition and this is the prize!


LO: To use formal written multiplication

  • Today, you will be pairing up, to teach each other how to use the formal written method of multiplication.
  • Year 6 have covered this before and have some tricks and tips to help us.
  • Let's start with HOW TO DO IT.
  • Thankfully here is a video I made earlier.
  • Now you've seen how, I would like those that KNOW they can do this to sit with someone who DOESN'T KNOW YET if they can do it.
  • Work together to make sure the 'peer tutor' is teaching the best that they can and the 'peer learner' is learning the best that they can.



  • Ask each other questions if you are stuck.
  • Ask others if you are both stuck.
  • Watch the video a few times.
  • Treat learning this like you would a video game - if you don't succeed the first time, pick yourself up and try again.  It's all progress and experience.
  • Use those times tables tricks!

Main activity - TU x TU colouring



Can you do these in your books?

52 x 34 =

43 x 25 =

35 x 42 =

24 x 53 =

Christmas Themed Activities
